Catherine Ponder
One of the World's Greatest Prosperity Writers
Catherine Ponder (born in Hartsville, South Carolina on February 14, 1927) is considered one of America's foremost inspirational authors. She has written more than a dozen books, which include such bestsellers as her Millionaires of the Bible series. She is a minister of the non- denominational Unity faith -- long known as the "pioneer of positive thinking" -- and has been described by some as "the Norman Vincent Peale among lady ministers." She has served in Unity Churches since 1956, and heads a global ministry in Palm Desert, California.
Catherine wrote her first prosperity book The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity in the early 1960's whilst she was living in Birmingham, Alabama. Her life expanded dramatically whilst she was in the midst of finishing that book. She married and moved to the southwest, where her husband taught at the University of Texas.
Much later, after her husband's untimely death, her life changed again. In the early 1970's, another move took her to "the Alamo City" of Texas. There she remarried and wrote the sequel to that earlier book while living in her own first home in San Antonio. The second book was entitled Open Your Mind to Prosperity.
She has given lectures on the universal principles of prosperity in most of the major cities of America (and a lot of small ones, too): from Town Hall and the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York, to the Phoenix Country Club in Arizona, to the elegant Pioneer Theater Auditorium in Reno, Nevada. From Honolulu to New Orleans she has given interviews on television and radio, as well as numerous interviews by the print media.
The principles of abundance described in her books helped her to successfully serve one church in the Deep South, and to found several others from financial scratch.
She is listed in Who's Who and the Social Register, and has received an honorary doctorate.
Catherine Ponder writes from a Christian perspective. Pagans may wish to substitute their own deity form where Ponder mentions God. Those uncomfortable with religion can substitute "The Universe".
How To Live A Prosperous Life eBook by Catherine Ponder
This is one of a series of Unity books devoted to teaching you how you can make your life better by ..
Open Your Mind to Prosperity eBook by Catherine Ponder
This book is all about the power of positive thinking with God as the center of your daily activitie..
Pray and Grow Rich eBook by Catherine Ponder
How many times have you said to yourself... "This is what I want to be!" ... "This is what I want to..
The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity eBook by Catherine Ponder
This book will catapult your mind and spirit into a higher consciousness where you will never be the..
The Millionaires of Genesis eBook by Catherine Ponder
How wealthy people of the Bible prospered others and how they can prosper you! From Adam, Abraham,..
The Prosperity Secret of the Ages eBook by Catherine Ponder
There are many prosperity secrets in this book, but one of the basic secrets is this: You can have e..