Elinor S. Moody

Educator and Author of New Thought Books

Elinor S. Moody (1868-1956) was a rare woman who broke many barriers in her lifetime. She was born in Scarborough, Maine, and received the advantages of a liberal education, finishing the same the Gorham Normal School. She afterward took the commercial course at Gray's Business College, and later took up the study of phonography, and having mastered that art, secured an appointment as special court stenographer. Her work was of such a character as to earn for her the reputation of being the ablest woman in her profession in her State.

From girlhood she has been a hard student, entering thoroughly into whatever she had undertaken. She understood her own business capacity and displayed rare discerning ability and native shrewdness.

In the summer of 1898, Miss Moody opened offices where she, with Miss Edna Caswell as an assistant, conducted a large shorthand school. It became an institution of great value, as many of the young men and women attended this school,

Later in life her study and practice of New Thought principles and Mind Cure led her to open a "healtharium" – providing a new form of treatment for businessmen who had suffered from nervous breakdowns.

In the 1920's she took to writing and published several books including All Power is Given Unto You, You Can Receive Whatsoever You Desire and How to Remake Yourself Through Applied Psychology.

All Power is Given Unto You eBook by Elinor S. Moody

All Power is Given Unto You eBook by Elinor S. Moody

This book is a course of twelve lessons explaining and Illustrating the creating and attracting powe..


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