Emma Curtis Hopkins
Teacher of Teachers
Emma Curtis Hopkins (1853-1925), the author of "High Mysticism" and "Scientific Christian Mental Practice" was a student of Mary Baker Eddy and Christian Science, who started her own school, and some argue that she was the founder of the New Thought movement.
Mrs. Hopkins' gift for teaching showed itself early. Before she was fifteen years old, she entered Woodstock Academy (Conneticut) as a student and because of her genius was given a place on the faculty as a teacher.
Later in life she returned to being a student, taking class instructions in Christian Science, following which she served editorially on the staff of the Christian Science Journal -- only to find her purpose asserting itself and drawing her into the role of independent leadership and of a great teacher.
Here's what Charles Fillmore, founder of Unity, had to say about her: "She is undoubtedly the most successful teacher in the world. In many instances those who enter her classes confirmed invalids come out at the end of the course perfectly well. Her very presence heals and those who listen are filled with new life. Never before on this planet have such words of burning Truth been so eloquently spoken through a women."
This tribute was paid to her in Unity (1925): "Her brilliance of mind and spirit was so marked that very few could follow in her metaphysical flights, yet she had marked power in quickening spirituality in her students."
"Scientific Christian Mental Practice" is Emma Curtis Hopkins' masterpiece, and is one of the greatest of all works based on mysticism. "When the Lord is your confidence you will never find yourself at all deceived by the ways and speech of men and women, though they be very brilliant, if they speak outside of the Principle that demonstrates healing and goodness and life."
Bible Interpretations (1891) eBook by Emma Curtis Hopkins
This previously extremely hard to find book comprises a series of Bible Interpretations that were g..
Class Lessons 1888 eBook by Emma Curtis Hopkins
This book by Emma Curtis Hopkins, written towards the end of the ninteenth century, is a compilation..
High Mysticism eBook by Emma Curtis Hopkins
A Series of Twelve Studies in the Wisdom of the Sages of the Ages. This is one of the greatest of al..
Résumé eBook by Emma Curtis Hopkins
Practice book for 12 lessons of High Mysticism.Résumé is the practice book for High Mysticism. These..
Scientific Christian Mental Practice eBook by Emma Curtis Hopkins
This volume is a classic in the field of practical mysticism. It provides a modern interpretation of..
The Gospel Series in Spiritual Science eBook by Emma Curtis Hopkins
An uncovering of the mystical connection that reveals your true relation with God as the Christ, you..