Emmet Fox

Influential 20th Century New Thought Author

Emmet Fox (1886-1951) was born in Ireland on July 30, 1886, was educated in England, pursued his spiritual career mostly in the United States, and died in France on August 13, 1951.

His father, who died before Fox was ten, was a physician and member of Parliament. Fox attended Stamford Hill Jesuit college near London, and became an electrical engineer. However, he early discovered that he had healing power, and from the time of his late teens studied New Thought. He came to know the prominent New Thought writer Thomas Troward.

Emmet Fox addressed some of the largest audiences ever gathered to hear one man's thoughts on the religious meaning of life. His books and pamphlets have been distributed to over three million people and it can be conservatively estimated that they have come into the hands of ten million.

Fox's secretary was the mother of one of the men who worked with Alcoholics Anonymous co-founder Bill Wilson, and partly as a result of this connection early AA groups often went to hear Fox. His writing, especially "The Sermon on the Mount," became popular in AA.

The influence of Emmet Fox in the spread of New Thought ideas and emphases lies not simply in the large number of his readers, but in the fact that he is so widely read my ministers of all denominations.

A check in large denominational bookstores in various cities from time to time has revealed that Emmet Fox's books are in constant demand; and these are the stores in which ministers chiefly buy their books. They do not, of course, read it as New Thought, but they buy it and read it.

There is nothing sectarian, certainly, in the titles "The Sermon on the Mount" and "The Ten Commandments," nor is there anything about them outwardly to indicate that they are New Thought, and nearly half a century after his death, the writings of Emmet Fox remain influential.

Diagrams for Living: The Bible Unveiled eBook by Emmet Fox

Diagrams for Living: The Bible Unveiled eBook by Emmet Fox

In Diagrams for Living Emmet Fox presents valuable keys to living a more fulfilled life drawn from t..


Emmet Fox's Golden Keys to Successful Living eBook by Herman Wolhorn

Emmet Fox's Golden Keys to Successful Living eBook by Herman Wolhorn

A must read for Anyone who wants to change the spirit energy dynamic of mindset in their life. Thi..


Power Through Constructive Thinking eBook by Emmet Fox

Power Through Constructive Thinking eBook by Emmet Fox

Fresh with contemporary relevance, this classic of positive thinking from one of the world's great m..


Simplified Lessons of Life and Health (An Emmet Fox Study Book) eBook by Leroy Moore

Simplified Lessons of Life and Health (An Emmet Fox Study Book) eBook by Leroy Moore

This is one of the first books introducing Dr. Emmet Fox into New Thought. During his 20 year mini..


Sparks of Timeless Truth eBook by Emmet Fox

Sparks of Timeless Truth eBook by Emmet Fox

This book contains easy reading essays with help for daily problems, practical or emotional, citing ..


The Sermon on the Mount: The Key to Success in Life eBook by Emmet Fox

The Sermon on the Mount: The Key to Success in Life eBook by Emmet Fox

The Timeless Manual on the Art of Living Harmoniously and Successfully. One of the foremost spiritua..


The Ten Commandments: The Master Key of Life eBook by Emmet Fox

The Ten Commandments: The Master Key of Life eBook by Emmet Fox

This book summarizes that the Ten Commandments contain both surface level meanings but also deeper..


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