Helen Wilmans

Pioneer of Mental Science

Helen Wilmans-Post (1831-1907) was an American journalist, publisher and proponent of the mental science movement which stressed control of mind over matter. She started her own paper, The Woman's World, and published a weekly magazine, Freedom.

A one time student of Emma Curtis Hopkins, Helen Wilmans was a very important and influential figure in the theory and practice of what in the latter part of the nineteenth century became known as mental science.

Not only a teacher in her own right, but a teacher of teachers, this pioneer metaphysician gave to hundreds of teachers and healers a vision of what they could do for their students and patients, and a vital impulse and force irresistible and inexhaustible

Helen Wilmans was one of the many wonderful women that the New Thought movement has produced.

Home Course in Mental Science  eBook by Helen Wilmans

Home Course in Mental Science eBook by Helen Wilmans

You were meant to achieve a great success. You can learn how to be well, strong, prosperous and happ..


The Conquest of Death  eBook by Helen Wilmans

The Conquest of Death eBook by Helen Wilmans

The strangeness of the title of this work, “The Conquest of Death,” will doubtless prompt some, into..


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