Agnes Sanford

World-Renowned Spiritual Healer

Agnes Sanford (1897-1982) was an American Christian healer and writer. The daughter of a Presbyterian missionary in China, and the wife of an Episcopal rector, she is viewed as one of the preeminent spiritual healers of the twentieth century. Her first book, The Healing Light, established her as a leading lay healer and minister within the Christian church. Since its original 1947 publication, The Healing Light has sold over half a million copies. It is now available as an e-book.

Agnes Sanford began a healing ministry in the '40s; received Pentecostal exp., in '53/54; pioneered teaching for the "healing of memories"; part of the "positive thinking" movement she presented God's healing work as following the laws of nature and positive thinking; she believed that God could work through "good" spirits as well as the spirits of people who have died; she taught that God used some mediums to heal; she believed that angels and dead saints could "speak and act in and through us."

Together with her husband, and alone after his death, she spoke to and taught groups all over the USA about the power of prayer. She died in February 1982 after 35 years of ministry.

The Healing Light eBook by Agnes Sanford

The Healing Light eBook by Agnes Sanford

In The Healing Light, Ms. Agnes Sanford outlines her experiences with the healing power of God.Ms. S..


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